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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I report my child absent?

Please call or email the school office by 08:55 on the first day of absence.  We also ask that you keep the school informed during any prolonged absence.

What do I do if my child is late for school?

Children who are late will be signed it at the school office and taken round to their classroom.

What if my child has a medical appointment during a school day?

This should be avoided wherever possible.  Please inform the office 

Will the school be happy to administer medication to my child?

We are only able to accept Emergency Medication in school (such as Epipens & asthma inhalers) or antibiotics which have to be administered 4 times within a 24 hours period.

Can I take my child out of school for a holiday?

Holidays during term time should be avoided where possible as they cannot be authorised by the Headteacher.  Parents/Carers needing to take their child out of school during term time must complete a form and submit it to the Headteacher.  Only exceptional absences can be authorised by the Headteacher.

How will the school communicate with me?

The school office is paperless so all communication will come to you electronically:

  •  A newsletter is emailed to parents on Friday each week and posted on the website.
  • Relevant letters will be emailed to you.
  • Consents (trips etc) will be requested via Jotform and stored electronically.
  • The school will send important reminders via email or in-app message via Arbor.
  • There are regular updates of what is going on day-to-day on our social media - see links at the top of page.

How do I pay for trips and school dinners?

Parents should pay using Arbor.    

What if my child has an allergy or dietary need?

Please inform the school  of any dietary needs that your child may have, particularly if it is a food that the child is allergic to or must not eat for religious reasons.  You will fill this in as part of the New Pupil Information Pack, but it is important to keep the school office informed of any changes.

Hertfordshire Catering will require evidence from a medical professional so they can produce an allergy specific menu for your child. See School Lunches page. 

May I send in birthday sweets etc


How will I find out if the school is closed due to bad weather?

If the school has to close due to severe weather conditions, we will notify parents and carers via Arbor

If you do not receive notice from us, you should always assume that the school will be open as normal for all pupils.

What should my child bring to school each day?

  • Book bag with reading book and reading record/school planner
  • Water bottle
  • Pencil case: Children in Year 3-6 are welcome to bring a pencil case in to school each day.  We recommend that the pencil case be clear plastic and should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.  We recommend this includes pencils (HB), a ruler, glue stick, pencil sharpener and a rubber. 

Is there a lost property area?

Lost property is held in the Reception area. If items are not claimed after a term they are added to the preloved uniform sale. 

Is there parking near the school?

There are no parking restrictions near the school but we ask our parents to park sensibly and with consideration to our neighbours and other pedestrians at both drop off and pick up times.  To alleviate traffic congestion we have a self-imposed 1-way system that we would like you to adhere to at pick up and drop off times i.e. up Moorland Road, right into Rye Hill and right down Westfield Drive back to Westfield Road.


Our pupils’ safety is our key priority; therefore, we would appreciate your co-operation in parking safely and sensibly.

Can my child walk to school unaccompanied?

Only Year 6 pupils are permitted to walk to school without an adult and we ask parents to put their permission in writing to the school.

Can my child bring a mobile phone to school?

Only Year 6 pupils are permitted to bring phones to school.  They are handed in during Registration each morning.

How can I get involved?

We see education as a partnership between home and school.  To this end we very much welcome any parents who wish to play an active role in the school.  If you feel you have something to offer then please talk to your class teacher or Class Rep.   You may also consider joining the Lea School Association (PTA) to help with fundraising.

Which secondary schools do children at The Lea go on to?

The vast majority of our pupils move on to Harpenden secondary schools when they leave Year 6.  

Katherine Warington School
Roundwood Park School 
Sir John Lawes School  
St George’s School