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School Meals






Healthy, nutritious cooked school meals are freshly prepared on site by our caterers, Hertfordshire Catering Ltd.

Summer/Autumn Menu 24

Flexible Provision

We offer fully flexible school meals so you can choose on a daily basis whether you want your child to have a school meal or send them in with a packed lunch.  You do not need to pay in advance for school meals, but we ask you to keep your Arbor account topped up to cover meals.

Parents are asked to make their child's meal choice, including home packed lunch via the Arbor app/parent portal before 08:45 each day. Arbor allows you to make half a terms meal choices for your child at a time, this takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. 

If your child is absent from school the system will recognise this and automatically delete their meal request for that day and you will not be charged.

Special Dietary Needs / Allergies

Parents of pupils with special dietary needs or allergies will need to make the school office aware, even if they do not plan to have a school meal.  Parents should note that an application for a adapted menu must be made to our school caterers, Herts Catering Ltd - HCL before they will be able to have a school lunch.  Please use the link to their website: https://hcl.co.uk/allergy-overview

No Nuts Policy

Please note we are a NUT FREE school. Food containing nuts must not be brought into school. Thank you for your co-operation.

Free School Meals

If you think you might be entitled to claim Free School Meals for your child, please contact the FSM Department on 0300 1234048 or go to www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals


Children may have milk as part of their mid-morning snack.  Nursery and Reception children are entitled to receive free milk until their 5th birthday, after that the cost is approx. £15 per term.  If you would like your child to have milk you must register with Cool Milk.  (You can register online at www.coolmilk.com.)

Mid-Morning Snack

All pupils in Foundation Stage and KS1 are entitled to one piece of fruit or vegetable per day, provided by the government, and children whose parents purchase milk through the school can drink it at this time.

KS2 pupils are very welcome to bring in a snack from home for morning break but this must be unprocessed fruit or vegetables only.

Healthy Eating

Eating well is extremely important for children as it gives them energy and provides them with the nutrients they need to grow, develop and be healthy and active. We encourage parents to provide as healthy a packed lunch as possible. Below is an information leaflet on healthy packed lunches, which we encourage you to take the time to read. We hope you will find some useful tips on providing a healthy and varied lunch for your child.


HCL, who provide our school meals, have been award the SUGARWISE accreditation, which means they provide options which are low in “free sugars” and gives assurance to parents and teachers that there are no more than 5.7g of free sugars per portion or 28.5g per week. Whenever you see the SUGARWISE logo you can be assured the product or service has undergone stringent assessment and any sugar related claims are verified.